When Windows OS start you listen a Welcome Music such as Windows XP Welcome Music is very famous.Windows 7 or 8 have their own Welcome Music which Depends on your Windows theme.After reading this tricks you can also able to understand that from where this Welcome Music can be changed.
So In this tricks we will teach "How to you can set your computer for Welcome you with your Name."Every windows have its own Welcome Music Which is Save in your Computer.Don't forget that it's not a MP3 file its VBS file(Audio Recorded file).For this purpose we will change the setting of our computer and Replace this default Music with our Name.VBS file
Steps For Creating Your Named VBS File:Step 1:Open the "Notepad"
Step 2:Copy the following code and Paste it into Notepad.
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to your PC, Username"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
speaks="Welcome to your PC, Username"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
Step 4:Now press Ctrl + S and Save this file with .vbs Format.
Example: Welcome.vbs
As shown in bellow Image:
If you are using Windows 7,8 or Vista Operating system
Go to
C:\Users>> Your_username>> AppData>>Roaming>>Microsoft>>Windows>>
Start Menu>>Programs>>Startup
Step 6:Paste this file there.
Go to:
C:\Documents and Settings>>All Users>>Start Menu>>Programs>>Startup
If you don't find the App Data folder than unhide your folder.by going Organize>>Folder and search options
Now Click on "Hidden files and Folders" and Check on "Show Hidden Folders"
As shown in below Picture: